Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why, Hello!

I didn't think I had any guests. It is a little late, please excuse my appearance. I was in the middle of my toilette. No mind, have a seat. Can I get you something? Well I am having a glass of Pinot Noir, does that sound good? Perfect!
What brings you out at this time? Couldn't sleep? Me either. My week has been stressful. Not as bad as yours, I am sure. No one can do what you do and still live to tell about it! My week? Oh, you are a dear for asking. I am just going through the same problems with my mother. She called this morning. Out of the blue. I haven't heard from her on over a week. It seemed to have come out of nowhere! I was hoping I wouldn't hear from her in a while. I answered the phone. She asked what was wrong, and thinking that was my opening to tell her, silly me, I went into the problem I had with her, my brother,his terribly behaved children and his newly estranged wife. As predicted, she took their side, told me I was wrong, I don't go about things the proper way, blah, blah, blah! Oh, dear me! I see I have bored you half to death. I really should start putting in description when talking of these problems.
Long story short, I explained I cannot attend anymore family functions that his child will be at until his child learned to keep her hands, feet, and any object used for a projectile, to herself. This didn't go over too well. Apparently, I am supposed to just take what the child dishes out, never say a word and go home to never repeat the incident again. I am also supposed to teach my child this rule of thumb. Well, we all know how that went over. How dare I stand up for myself! They liked me better when I was weak and mute about the children's behavior. How dare I! I am such a bad daughter.
Well, thank you for letting me get that off my chest. I am going to take a sleeping pill and try to sleep a few hours before dawn.
Good night my lovelies!

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